How to make a dentist useful
I have been having six monthly dental check ups for years. There is something complicated about registration with your dentist in the UK. You need to have your check ups in order to be in the system. If you will have a problem, no problem, you are registered with your friendly dentist who knows you. More precisely he knows your teeth. My dentist is a friendly chap. I really like him. I had some troublesome start, but in the last few years my checkups were pretty boring. Usually my dentist would look at my teeth, talk some latin to the nurse and occasionally pull a tooth out (it thankfully has always been a baby tooth). My dentist (His name is Paul) checked my teeth last week, and there was nothing to do. He asked me if there was anything else I would like to mention. You know me by now. I have always plenty of things I would like to mention. This time I had thought of this little annoying splinter in my index fing...