Things to do (and not to do) on holidays
To do: > Whatever your parents promise you, get hold of your fluffy fleece and favourite socks, and don't let go until you see with your own eyes that it's not raining and the temperature is about 40. > Enjoy yourself > Eat tons of ice cream, if you get unwell, deny you have eaten ice cream. Blame fruit and veg > Eat your favourite meal for lunch, over and over and over. Holiday is not for trying new things > Tease your friends and annoy your parents. You will be forgiven beau case it's the holidays > Stay out until dark. Stay out late > Swim in dark > Sail a boat. If they tell you that you are too small to be a captain, sail it anyway > Take millions of pictures. The least flattering ones can be sold back to your family and friends for a high price. > Play on computer as much as you want. It's holidays and nobody can tell you not to > Make your age flexible. If it suits you to sit around with adults, do so. If it's mor...